Untamed Hunger Read online

Page 22

  With every thrust of his hips, he rocked her pelvis upon the finger pressed to her clit. Soon, the prickles of sensation spreading through her strengthened into an electric pulse that crackled along her every nerve, searing her with white-hot pleasure from head to toe. Another rush of heat flooded her core.

  “Oh, fuck! Oh fuck! Nngh! Drakkal,” she cried as her muscles locked and spasmed, and her pussy contracted around his shaft. The ecstasy was so staggering that she would have fallen were it not for his hold on her.

  Drakkal snarled next to her ear, and his pace grew impossibly faster, sending her straight into another orgasm. She squeezed her eyes shut and let it take her.

  He flattened his hand on her pelvis, pulled her toward him, and drove into her one last time, tightly wedging their bodies together. She gasped as the knot near the base of his shaft was forced into her sex. Her flesh stretched, and she felt the burn, but she just as clearly felt the throbbing of his pulse and an immense, unbelievable fullness. And then he expanded.

  His body tensed around her, and Drakkal roared—a sound that would’ve sent a lion running with its tail tucked between its legs. The roar ended when he clamped his fangs over the place where her neck met her shoulder, their tips producing pricks of delightful pain. Hot seed burst from his cock an instant later, its force and heat triggering another climax for Shay. Her awareness narrowed, leaving only the sensations coursing through her, the feel of his body over hers, the sting from his teeth, the twitching of his cock inside her.

  Shay panted; her ragged breath lifted her hair away from her face in little bursts. She remained utterly still as her pussy continued to spasm and contract around Drakkal’s shaft. She had no choice, not with the way he held her immobile—which only turned her on more. Her flushed, sweat-slickened skin was made only hotter by the living furnace covering her.

  Drakkal’s left hand loosened and fell away from Shay’s neck. He pressed it down on the bed, bracing his weight atop it, while shifting his right hand to the outside of her thigh. A low, rumbling sound emanated from his chest and vibrated into her as he widened his jaw and withdrew his fangs. Not a moment later, he pressed his mouth down over the wounds and caressed away the lingering sting with his lips and tongue.

  With his arm no longer holding her up, Shay sagged down, and Drakkal followed. From this position—with her ass still pressed against his pelvis—he felt even bigger inside her. The rumbling in his chest continued as he rubbed his face up and down her neck and along her shoulder, occasionally lapping at the spot where he’d bitten her.

  Exhausted and floating on a lusty, satisfied haze, it took Shay a few seconds to realize what was happening. “Are you…purring?”

  “I’m enjoying you.” There was unmasked contentment in his voice. He ran his rough tongue behind Shay’s ear, sending shivers through her.

  His cock pulsed, and another burst of warmth flooded her. Drakkal tightened his arms around her, shuddering, and released a low growl.

  “Are you… Did you just… Still?” Shay asked, shocked. She attempted to push herself up, to pull away, but Drakkal kept his arms locked around her, holding her close to his body.

  “Can’t yet. You’ll just hurt both of us.” He teased her with his tongue again, this time along the underside of her jaw.

  She wasn’t quite sure what to do with this loving, cuddly side of Drakkal, but if she was perfectly honest with herself…she liked what he was doing. Really liked it. “What do you mean?”

  “I’m knotted, kiraia. You know we cannot separate until it’s done.” He pressed his lips against her neck and groaned, his body seizing as yet more seed pumped out of him. This time, it sent a pleasurable thrill through her, nearly pushing her over the edge again.

  Shay shook her head, trying to think through the thickening fog of pleasure. “Uh, yeah, this isn’t something that happens with humans.”

  As soon as he eased again, he asked, “Are you saying that’s as big as your males’ cocks get?”

  She laughed, but the way it made her body shake sent fresh waves of pleasure through her, making her toes curl as she and Drakkal groan in unison.

  “I should have known sex with an alien would have some weird aspects to it.” She pressed back against him and waited until the intensity of the sensations diminished before speaking again. “So you mean…we’re stuck together?”

  “Until I’m spent.” His purring strengthened, and his right hand shifted to cover one of her breasts. “Fortunately, I don’t have anywhere else to be.” He tweaked her nipple.

  Shay gasped as a bolt of pleasure flowed through her; his touch was like a live wire connected straight to her clit. “Lucky me,” she said breathlessly.

  Drakkal chuckled deeply; the sound flowed into Shay, only heightening her pleasure.

  When his cock twitched and poured more liquid fire into her, it was too much for Shay to bear; she came again, filling the room with raspy moans. Drakkal gyrated against her, creating just enough friction to prolong her orgasm and turn her moans into a cry of ecstasy.

  Her body went slack when it was done. She closed her eyes and rested her cheek against the bedding, panting. She wanted nothing more than to sleep. She couldn’t remember ever being so well and thoroughly loved—couldn’t remember being sexed to the point of exhaustion.

  Because she hadn’t been. Not until now.

  Drakkal rubbed his face against her neck and placing a gentle kiss over the place he’d bitten. “Your pleasure is beautiful, kiraia.”

  Shay’s lips curled into a dreamy smile; she could only hum in response to him.

  They remained that way for a while, his lips, tongue, and right hand lovingly stroking her body, caressing her skin, her breasts, her belly, and her clit. No part of her was left untouched. It was strange being physically tied to him like this. Had she known about his knotting before, she might’ve said no, might’ve resisted a little more, might’ve—

  Oh, who the fuck was she kidding? This gave new meaning to after-sex cuddling; it was more intimate than anything she’d ever experienced. Besides, she’d wanted the big azhera too damned badly, and she was enjoying this more with each passing moment. But she worried that this was more than just an itch being scratched. That it was so much more. That scared her; she was already growing too attached to him.

  Drakkal’s spasms spread farther and farther apart, and Shay soon felt full near to bursting. Just as she swore she couldn’t take any more, his cock began to soften, pulsing gently in time with his heartbeat—which she could feel, steady and strong, against her back.

  He groaned as he withdrew. Moisture spilled from her, pouring down the insides of her thighs. There was no question as to what it was.

  Shay’s sex contracted, suddenly feeling emptier, and she moaned as he eased her onto her side. Her every muscle was strained and worn; it was a delightful burn that couldn’t have been accomplished through any exercise save for what they’d just done.

  Drakkal settled his warm hand on her hip and his stroked her skin with his thumb. “Be right back, kiraia.”

  Shay could only muster another contented hum as he pulled away. She barely registered his absence before she succumbed to her weariness.

  Drakkal lifted his hand from Shay’s hip, looked her over—kraasz ka’val, there is no sight more beautiful than my mate—and turned away to walk into the bathroom. Her scents were in his fur, both that exotic sundrinker-kissed fragrance and the smell of her arousal, and he was reluctant to dilute those smells by washing, but it would need to be done eventually. He’d still detect those scents even after he bathed, he would still be carrying the mark his terran had left upon him—just as she’d be carrying his. That would be enough.

  For now, his mate was weary. He would bathe with her when she was ready, and not a moment before. But he needed to drink.

  Though he could still feel its flicker low in his belly, the lustful fire that had turned his body into a living furnace had finally subsided. Shay had done what his own
hand could not. Her body had fit his perfectly, her oils had been a balm to his aching cock, and her pussy had granted him the release he’d so long craved. He was not so foolish as to think his hunger ended—even now, he craved more of her—but he’d be content for a while. He’d finally joined with his mate. He’d finally laid claim upon her.

  And she’d accepted.

  When he reached the counter, he turned on the water, bent down to shove his face beneath the faucet, and drank deep. The cool water eased the lingering heat inside him and fought back the dryness in his mouth. He stopped only when his belly was full.

  He stood straight, braced his hands on the countertop, and glanced at himself in the large mirror set behind the counter. His fur was tousled, damp in places due both to her sweat and her oils, and the green of his eyes was darker than normal. His gradually receding cock still protruded from its sheath. All it would take was a single look from Shay to coax it back out fully.

  Drakkal ran his fingers through his mane, tugging it back. He’d never knotted inside a female.

  That’s not quite right—I’ve never let myself.

  Even when he was young, when he’d first thought he’d found his mate, some part of him had known it wasn’t real. Something had always held him back, something more than simply not being ready to bring a cub into existence. Though it felt a little foolish to think it, he told himself now it was because his body had always been awaiting Shay, even if his brain hadn’t known it.

  And that felt…right. It felt true. She was the only one to get all of him, and he gladly gave it.

  Tonight was only the start. She will have everything. She…and her cub.

  Shay hadn’t changed her position when he returned to the bedroom; she was fast asleep. He couldn’t hold back a pang of disappointment, but it was accompanied by a swelling of pride—he’d pleased his mate to exhaustion. He gently moved her, only to stop as he discovered her thighs were sticky with his seed. His cock twitched, and a rumble rolled up his throat. She was his, and he wanted to have her again—right now.

  He forced himself back to the bathroom instead and fetched a warm, damp cloth before returning to the bed to carefully clean his mate’s legs and sex. She barely stirred.

  After he finished, he tossed the cloth aside and took a few moments to appreciate her body again, sweeping his eyes over her slowly from bottom to top. She looked so beautiful, small, and delicate, but he knew that appearance of fragility belied the immense strength she harbored inside. His gaze lingered longest on her shoulder. The spots where his fangs had broken her skin were still red, but his saliva had stemmed the blood flow.

  Without modern medical attention, the bite would likely scar, and that thought only further swelled his chest with pride. It would be physical proof of his claim—a sign to all that she was his.

  Drakkal gently slipped his arms beneath Shay and lifted her, moving her up to rest her head upon one of the pillows. He climbed onto the bed once she was settled, rolled onto his side, and drew her against him, tucking her back along his front. The combination of her body heat and delectable scent had his cock stirring again.

  Not now, he grumbled in his head.

  He shifted his head forward, pressing his lips to her sweet, soft hair, and draped his right arm over her middle to palm her rounded belly. Something small but surprisingly strong pressed against his hand for an instant.

  Drakkal lifted his head and stared toward her stomach, his heartbeat marking the passage of time in the otherwise silent room. Seconds passed, creeping toward a minute.

  The push came again, lingering a little longer this time.

  Drakkal’s lips spread in a wide smile, and he gently brushed his palm over Shay’s belly. Pride and protectiveness tightened his chest; he finally understood his purpose, finally knew what all this meant. The deep emotions he felt toward Shay and the unborn cub strengthened, bolstered by new dedication, and he embraced them even if he couldn’t fully identify all of them.

  “Your mother is my mate,” he whispered, “so you are my cub. Mine to protect.” He caressed Shay’s belly again. “Neither of you will want for anything again. Because you are both mine…and I am yours.”


  Shay awoke to a painfully bloated bladder and something tickling her nose, but despite how much she had to pee, she really, really didn’t want to get up. She hadn’t been this comfortable in longer than she could remember—she was warm, cozy, languid, and she knew if she changed her position at all, she’d never find this comfort again.

  She could ignore her bladder for a little longer, but the sensation on her nose was too irritating. The last thing she needed was to sneeze and pee herself. She wrinkled and wiggled her nose. When the tickle persisted, she made a discontented sound and turned her face, rubbing her nose against what was somehow both the hardest and softest pillow ever.

  But pillows didn’t rise and fall with deep breaths, and they didn’t have heartbeats, and they most definitely didn’t purr.

  The scents of leather, cloves, and unbridled masculinity surrounded her. Shay tensed and opened her eyes. The room was dark, too dark for her to see, but she knew. Oh, she knew whose chest her face was buried against.

  I slept with him. He stayed in my room, slept in my bed…with me.

  Drakkal was pressed against her, front to front, with his arms wrapped around her securely and one of her legs between his. Heat radiated from him.

  My very own warm, fuzzy furnace.

  No. No. Not my anything. He isn’t supposed to be here!

  It was just supposed to have been sex, no strings attached. They were supposed to have enjoyed themselves and gone their separate ways. Not…not…sleep together! He wasn’t supposed to be holding her like she was the most precious thing in the world, wasn’t supposed to be purring contentedly, and she wasn’t supposed to love it so damn much.

  “Awake already, kiraia?” Drakkal murmured huskily, shifting to nuzzle his cheek against the top of her head. “Guess I didn’t do as good a job as I thought.”

  His voice sent a jolt of desire straight to her core.


  Shay jerked away from him. Drakkal released his hold on her without struggle. If she hadn’t needed to pee so bad, she would’ve been annoyed at herself for feeling immediately so cold outside his embrace.

  “Lights on,” she snapped.

  The lights flared to life. She flinched from the brightness, narrowing her eyes to slits and groping blindly for the blanket as she scooted—with some difficulty—toward the edge of the bed.

  “You all right, Shay?” he asked, sounding far more awake, alert, and concerned.

  She yanked the blanket around her to shield her nakedness from him and stood, only to go deathly still.

  Something—a lot of something—warm and viscous spilled from her, running down her inner thighs.

  For a moment, Shay thought she might have actually peed herself, but that thought fled as quickly as it had formed. No, this was the aftermath of being cock-locked with an azhera as he blew his load into her over and over and over and fucking over again.

  Shay clutched the blanket to her chest. She turned and glared at Drakkal, who was sitting up in bed, totally naked himself, his features strained with worry. He looked like he was about to jump to his feet and come to her.

  She jabbed a finger at him and said, “Stay. There.”

  He stilled, ears perking.

  Without waiting for a response, she turned her back on him and waddled—fucking waddled!—to the connected bathroom. As soon as the door closed behind her, she released the blanket and looked down at herself. It was difficult to see with her belly in the way, but she could feel his come dripping out of her, soaking her inner thighs.

  Where’d you think it’d all go? That it’d just magically disappear?

  Despite the situation, Shay snort-laughed.

  Magically disappearing spunk. Would sure make clean up easier.

  Shay sighed and moved farther in
to the room, stopping abruptly when she caught sight of herself in the mirror. Her hair was in complete disarray, hanging in tangled strands down her back and over her shoulders, and her eyes were bright and sleepy, but it was the marks on her skin that she stared at the longest. She turned slightly to the side. There were bruises on her hips in the shape fingers—thick azheran fingers. The memory of the way Drakkal had held her rushed to the forefront of her mind, accompanied by faint echoes of the sensations she’d felt while he thrust into her.

  There was another bruise where her shoulder met her neck, barely visible through her hair. She swept her hair aside. There were several dark red spots within the bruise—scabs where Drakkal’s teeth had penetrated. She gently probed the spot with her fingers. The wound was tender, and its shape, along with its origin, was distinct and unforgettable. Drakkal had bitten her right before he came. And despite the brief flash of pain, she’d enjoyed it.

  That had been, hands down, the best sex she’d ever had in her life.

  Then why am I so pissy? Isn’t sex supposed to give you all those feel good feelings? I should be floating blissfully on a cloud of oxytocin.

  Shay placed her hands on the counter and leaned forward, staring into her own eyes.

  “I should still be in bed with the azhera,” she said quietly. Just like that, her irritation bled away.

  Who cared if he’d stayed after sex? That didn’t mean anything. They’d shared pleasure—intense pleasure—and had worked themselves to exhaustion; it made total sense that he would’ve just crawled onto the bed beside her and slept. And after the way he’d made her feel, after the frenzy of their lovemaking, it made sense that she’d enjoyed being held by him so calmly and tenderly.

  So perfectly.

  Did I really just think of it as lovemaking? Nope, no, wrong word. It was just sex.

  But had it been? Had it really been just sex?