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Untamed Hunger Page 30

  He breathed in deep, filling his lungs with air redolent with the perfume of a dozen alien flowers, and turned onto the foot path that would take him toward his hovercar.

  His gaze locked with a pair of sickeningly familiar golden eyes set in a brown-furred, feminine face, and Drakkal’s good mood perished in an avalanche of hatred and bitterness.

  Vanya smiled that old, sultry smile he’d once found so enticing and sauntered toward him, hips swaying seductively and tail swinging languidly. Drakkal tightened his right fist around the straps of the bag he was carrying. He wasn’t sure whether he should’ve been grateful or angry that his blaster hand was full—he might’ve drawn the weapon otherwise.

  And gunning someone down in public tended to cause problems in this part of town.

  “Hello, Drakkal,” Vanya said, stopping in front of him.

  Drakkal released a low growl. “Following me now?”

  She sidled a little closer and placed her hand on his flesh and blood forearm, slowly sliding it upward. “I’ve missed you. I got tired of waiting for you to come find me, so I took matters into my own hands.”

  He tugged his arm away from her and very nearly formed the hardlight claws on the tips of his cybernetic fingers. It would’ve been easy to slash them across her throat. “Fuck off, Vanya.”

  Her features tightened into a scowl for an instant before they fell into an exaggerated pout. “I was wrong, Drakkal. Is that what you want to hear?”

  Drakkal’s nostrils flared with a heavy exhalation; if it were possible to breathe fire, he would’ve been singing her fur that very moment. “Wrong? You threw in with slavers and fucking handed me over to them. We lived together for years. We shared a bed. But you were wrong? Did you suffer a traumatic headwound sometime after you sold me out?”

  “What do you think would have happened to me if I hadn’t helped them? I’m female, Drakkal. My life would have been infinitely worse than yours. But I knew you would have a chance. You were always strong.” She eased a little closer. “I wish it hadn’t come to that. I wish things could have been different. That I had been different. I just didn’t realize what I had until you were gone.”

  He squeezed his fists tight enough to make his arms tremble—even the metal one. “Too little, too fucking late. Kraasz ka’val, Vanya, you really think I’m going to buy that you were in any danger? You helped them round up everyone within two hundred kilometers of us!”

  Her brows fell. “I wasn’t given much of a choice, Drakkal. But they didn’t kill you. Isn’t that enough?” She reached for him again, placing her palm on his chest. “You loved me once. I want that again. I want to try again, with you. You were such a worthy mate, and I was wrong not to see it. I want to make amends, to earn your trust, your forgiveness. I want cubs—”

  “Take your hand off me,” Drakkal said in a low voice, glaring at her, “or I will tear it off and shove it down your traitorous throat.”

  Vanya’s eyes flared and her ears perked. She dropped her hand.

  Pulses of heat swept throughout Drakkal’s body, flowing just beneath the surface. His ears were flat, his fur bristling, his tail lashing in agitation. “I would have done anything for you back then. I would have died for you—I was ready to. But I never loved you. I cared the person I thought you were. The person you never were. We talked about honoring the old ways before we left home. Do you remember any of that?” He took a step toward her, and she took one back. “Do you remember who you pretended to be?

  “If your life was in danger, you should’ve told me. But it wasn’t. You’re just giving me another fucking lie. You were meeting with them for weeks before they took me—that’s where you were disappearing to. If it was a matter of your life against the lives of all our neighbors, you should’ve done the honorable thing, the noble thing. But that was never you, was it? Every choice you’ve ever made has been for you. You’re not going to find forgiveness, you’re not going to make amends. You’re going to scurry back to whatever sewer you crawled out of and never come near me or my family again, or I will show you what it means to be azheran. I will avenge the wrong you have done me.”

  All traces of softness left Vanya’s features as she bared her teeth in a snarl. “This is because of that ji’tas terran, isn’t it? Your newly acquired pet?”

  “My mate,” Drakkal growled. “And you don’t fucking speak of her. You’re not worthy to.”

  “I wanted things to go differently for us this time.” The corner of her mouth quirked. “You don’t know the mistake you just made, but you will soon.”

  “I’m going to kill you the next time I see you, Vanya.”

  She smiled, sparking a wicked light in her eyes, turned, and walked away from him.

  As Drakkal watched her go, the thundering of his heart drowned out the sounds of the mall around him. He maintained his tight hold on the bag’s handles; even now, his fingers itched to draw his blaster and fire a few plasma bolts into her back. It was a cowardly way to end things, but it was no more than Vanya deserved for what she’d done.

  The wisdom of hindsight had made Vanya’s nature apparent to him over the long years since she’d betrayed him, but now it was clearer than ever. How had he ever been so foolish as to not see it? How had he ever believed she possessed the qualities that had drawn him in?

  He’d dealt with enough criminals to understand now that she’d been manipulating him from the beginning. She’d only ever seen him as a means to an end, and as soon as she’d decided he was no longer useful for achieving her goals, she’d turned on him. He didn’t doubt that she was jealous of his mate—he’d practically worshipped Vanya when he was young. It wasn’t likely that her ego could handle the blow he’d dealt it now. In her mind, Drakkal was supposed to always worship her, because she was ideal. She was everything he should’ve wanted.

  But even back then, he’d never taken her as a full mate. He’d never filled her with his seed—some instinctual part had known it wasn’t right, that she was wrong.

  “Fuck,” he grumbled. He forced himself to walk.

  The day had been so good.

  Drakkal carefully monitored his surroundings as he left the Ventrillian Mall, searching for any sign of pursuit, for any sign of Vanya. If she’d followed him here, where else had she tailed him to? Did she know about the building he and Shay called home?

  Pulled an Arcanthus and got careless.

  Fortunately, Arcanthus’s voice, as smug as ever, chimed in from the back of Drakkal’s mind. Don’t be stupid, Drak.

  Seemed like it was too late for that.


  “So Urgand finally give you the okay?” Samantha asked as she sat down beside Shay on the couch.

  Shay lifted her head and grinned. “Yes. Finally. I’ve been dying, Sam. Dying.”

  It’d been a month since Leah’s birth, and Shay was so done waiting. While she’d felt healed and ready to go for at least a week now, Urgand had urged her to wait, to be cautious, just in case. Terrans and their physiology were still new territory for the vorgal, and Shay was basically his test subject.

  It’d been torture to do nothing but lie next to Drakkal every night as he kissed her, held her, and lovingly explored her body with his hands. And that body had changed; Shay was still getting used it herself. Her hips were a little wider, and there were stretch marks and some loose skin on her belly, but Drakkal worshipped those changes, telling her she was beautiful with words and kisses. She saw the truth of it in his eyes every time they settled on her. So, she embraced those changes. And why shouldn’t she? Her body had created life. It had sheltered, nurtured, and birthed their daughter.

  As much as Drakkal had wanted release, he’d adhered strictly to Urgand’s orders, sticking to loving caresses and kisses—and had stood by his vow to go without release until he could pleasure her fully, as well. Even when she tried to instigate it, he’d refused. Shay wanted to feel him inside her again. She wanted to feel his girth, his length, to feel him filling her com
pletely, to have her body locked with his. She wanted that physical, bonding connection again.

  She’d been horny as hell these last couple weeks. Whether it was caused by some pheromone from Drakkal that was driving her wild, her hormones still being out of whack, or his raw sex appeal, it didn’t matter. She’d turned that pent-up energy toward her training, working off the baby weight and pushing to regain the strength she’d had before she was taken from Earth.

  Samantha laughed and reached out to brush a finger over Leah’s tiny rounded ear. “I wonder if Arcanthus would change his mind if he knew how long he’d have to wait for sex after I gave birth.”

  Shay grinned and looked down at her daughter, who was cuddled against her chest, nursing contently. Though Leah had a healthy appetite and fed often, Shay seemed to be producing an overabundance of milk. She’d often had to express a little milk before each feeding, or it’d be too much, too fast for Leah.

  Shay hadn’t bothered with a blanket since it was only her and Samantha in the break room, but she had one on standby just in case one of the males walked in—not for the sake of modesty, but to avoid a potential fist fight if Drakkal found out someone saw some nip.

  She gently ran her fingers through the dark hair on Leah’s head. Leah’s eyes fluttered open and stared up at her. They were blue, a few shades darker than Shay’s, surrounded by long, dark eyelashes.

  “I’m sure he already knows. I don’t see Drakkal being quiet about it,” Shay said, easing back and returning her gaze to Sam. “Is Arc considering it?”

  Samantha lifted her feet off the floor curled her legs beside her on the cushion. “It’s like…an inner battle with himself. He’s always had these instincts to reproduce—it comes from his tretin side—but neither of us were really ready for that yet when we first met. But now, seeing the baby, seeing me with her, it’s like his mind and body are finally aligning with those instincts.”

  “What about you? What do you want?”

  Sam dropped her gaze to Leah and smiled. “I’ve always wondered what our baby would look like. If it’d have horns, claws, and a tail. Even that extra eye. And how beautiful it’d be. And when I saw Arc holding Leah, I understood how he felt seeing me hold her.” She looked at Shay again, her smile widening into a grin. “Why is it such a turn-on to see men holding babies?”

  “Beats me. But it is fucking hot watching Drakkal hold Leah. Like ovary explosion hot. Seeing that big, rough male being so gentle and careful with something so small and fragile, with such adoration in his eyes…” Shay groaned and let her head tilt back as that familiar spark of arousal bloomed low in her belly. “I’m telling you, Sam. It’s been torture.”

  Samantha laughed and patted Shay’s leg. “Not for much longer. Now you can claim your man at your earliest convenience.”

  Shay lifted her head and smiled, but there was something on Samantha’s face that gave Shay pause. “What’s wrong?”

  “I was just thinking about what happened last year. With…Vaund, and Arc’s old place.”

  “That’s in the past now, Sam. You guys took care of him.”

  Samantha met Shay’s gaze. “What if something like that happens again? What if it happens after Arc and I have a baby? That’s two innocent little lives caught in the crossfire. This life… I’ve never been so happy as I am here with Arcanthus. Everyone here has become my family. But it’s still dangerous. They’re still criminals working with other criminals.”

  Leah unlatched from Shay’s nipple and turned her head away. Shay pulled her bra up, tugged her shirt down, and rested Leah over her shoulder, gently patting the baby’s back.

  Samantha was voicing the same concerns Shay had harbored from the beginning. Drakkal, Arcanthus, and the rest of the crew were good people, but they were still criminals working a dangerous job, always toeing the line, always taking risks. At heart, it was still the sort of life Shay had wanted to escape. Drakkal himself had talked to Shay about it a few times over the last couple weeks. He was conflicted, but he was starting to see things the same way. They were making good money, but Arc and Drak already had more money than they could spend—though Arc sure seemed keen on trying to sometimes.

  Shay hadn’t pressed Drakkal on it. Gears were turning in his mind, and she was fine with letting him sort it all out on his own for now. He already knew where she stood. If there was a way for them to go legit, she’d support it wholeheartedly. She wanted Leah’s life to start out right.

  “Have you talked to Arcanthus about it?” Shay asked.

  Samantha frowned. “I haven’t, but I think it’s on his mind, too, when he looks at Leah and me. Especially when he looks at me.”

  Shay was just about to tell her it’d all be okay when the door opened and Thargen entered, followed by Drakkal. Drakkal’s gaze met Shay’s; her heart fluttered, and her pussy clenched in immediate want.

  Down, girl. I know you’ve been thirsty, and you’ll drink your fill soon.

  Thargen spread his arms wide. “Our three favorite terrans!”

  “Going to guess they’re also the only terrans you know,” Drakkal said with a smirk, though he didn’t take his eyes off Shay.

  The vorgal flashed a toothy grin. “Doesn’t change the fact that they’re my favorites.”

  “The real test would be for him to choose which of us is his most favorite,” Shay said.

  Thargen barked laughter and dropped into one of the breakroom chairs. “Might be crazy, but I’m not stupid.”

  Shay grinned. “Good answer.”

  Drakkal moved to stand in front of Shay and held his hands out. Shay’s smile softened as she lifted Leah off her shoulder and placed her in the big azhera’s arms. Despite the immense size difference, Drakkal was delicate with the baby, cradling her on his right arm and leaning down to nuzzle her forehead.

  “She just eat?” he asked.

  “Yep. She’s been changed and has a full belly.”

  He lifted his left hand and gently tickled Leah’s belly with his forefinger. The baby’s little hands latched onto it, and she stared up at Drakkal in wonderment. Drakkal smiled down at her, and suddenly, Leah smiled back. Drakkal’s ears perked and his eyes widened.

  “She smiled!” Despite her excitement, Shay couldn’t help feeling a little bit jealous that Drakkal got the first one.

  Drakkal’s smile stretched into a grin. “Guess I’m the fun one, kiraia.”

  “She probably just realized how funny looking you are,” Thargen suggested.

  Leah smiled a big, gummy smile again.

  “That is too cute,” Samantha said.

  Shay sat back and swept her eyes over Drakkal, who was beaming with love and pride. “Now we know she’s a daddy’s girl for sure.”

  “Was there any question of that?” Drakkal asked. After a few more seconds of staring down at Leah, he finally looked at Shay again. “How’d it go earlier? What’d Urgand say?”

  Shay caught a loose strand of her hair and twirled it around her fingers. “I’ll have to tell you in private.”

  That fire she’d come to love so much sparked in his eyes, giving his grin an entirely new meaning. “Is it almost nap time?”

  Shay sighed dramatically. “Unfortunately, she just woke up from one.”

  “Oof. Cock-blocked by a newborn,” Thargen said with a chuckle.

  Drakkal turned his head toward the vorgal. “Looks like we have a volunteer.”

  Thargen’s face sobered, and his eyes rounded. “What? What the fuck you talking about, Drak?”

  Samantha brought a hand up to cover her mouth and stifle her laughter.

  “You just volunteered to watch the cub for a little while. About an hour”—Drakkal glanced at Shay again, and eyes smoldering—“maybe two.”

  Fuck yes.

  Shay grinned at Thargen. “How thoughtful and sweet!”

  Drakkal walked over to the vorgal, who was staring at him with a look of confusion and terror. Without missing a beat, Drakkal placed Leah in Thargen’s arms and st
epped back. “Good luck.”

  Thargen’s eyes dropped to Leah before returning to Drakkal with a pleading gleam in them. “What am I supposed to do with it?”

  “Her,” Drakkal corrected.

  “What am I supposed to do with her?”

  Shay pushed herself up from the couch and walked to Thargen. She leaned forward and pecked a kiss on Leah’s head. As loath as she was to part from the baby, even for a short time, she needed this time with Drakkal.

  “Hold her, rock her. She’ll probably fall asleep again soon,” Shay said, smiling down at Leah. “Be good for Uncle Thargen.”

  The vorgal was holding Leah carefully but uncertainly. Shay guessed he would’ve looked more comfortable if someone had handed him a live grenade that had already had the pin pulled.

  Samantha walked over and took a seat beside Thargen. “Go on, you two. I’ll help keep an eye on Leah.”

  “You owe me,” Thargen grumbled.

  “I’ll up your hazard pay the next time you collect your wage,” Drakkal replied with a chuckle. When he turned to face Shay, all humor had fled from his expression—he wore a hungry grin beneath those fiery eyes.

  Before she could say anything, before she had enough time to even admire his tall, powerful body, he bent forward, wrapped an arm around the backs of her thighs, and stood up, hauling Shay over his shoulder.

  Shay laughed and flattened her hands on his back to prop herself up. She looked at Thargen and Samantha as Drakkal stalked toward the door. “If she needs—”

  “She’ll be fine!” Samantha called. “Have fun.”

  Drakkal slapped the control button. The instant the door was open, he crossed the threshold. The door whooshed shut behind him.

  Grinning, Shay smoothed her hands down toward his ass. “I haven’t told you what Urgand said yet.”

  “Oh, you did, kiraia. It was in your eyes.”